➡ Click here: Pu cet result 2018
After the conduct of Panjab university entrance exam PUCET 2018, the university will declare the Panjab University 2018 result on May 14, 2018, for admissions to the B. Hence, candidates with better merit have a higher chance of getting their desirous course. Without valid admit card, no candidates will be allowed to enter the examination hall. Candidates are advised to enter complete details in each section.
Students those who are looking for the PU December 2016 exam results and other older results also north it through the below result site or the University immediately. It is a University level entrance exam conducted once in a year. As per the notice, the counseling dates are scheduled for 4 rounds. Candidates can go for admissions in various post-graduate courses. We have solo to make it as subtle and precise as possible. This helps you to proceed for the further to take admission. The result will be available on the official website. Ed program of the university. However, we advise you to keep in touch with the official website of the responsible. Candidate should have the id proof with the admit card at the time of examination.
The admit card of Panjab University 2018 entrance exam PUCET will be released online only. So far, to check the PU CET Result 2018 you should enter your details like Id No, application form No etc. Panjab University Result Panjab University Result 2018 Annual BA Bsc BCom MSC MCA LLB BDS Here is the link for the Panjab University Result 2018 for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and final year students.
Panjab University, Chandigarh - Soon the Punjab University will issue the PU CET Merit List 2018. Link for these results are also mentioned below.
PU CET PG 2018 Application Form Eligibility Criteria Important Dates Admit Card Result How to Apply PU CET PG 2018: Punjab University Common Entrance Test 2018 PU CET PG is an exam conducted by Punjab University Chandigarh. The entrance exam is conducted by the authority. Candidates can go for admissions in various post-graduate courses. Candidates can apply for this exam when the authority releases the application form. In order to understand all the aspect of this entrance examination, candidates are advised to read the article. Latest: to download PU CET PG Download. PU CET PG 2018 Application Form Punjab University will provide the application form for this examination. Candidates can apply for the entrance test from the official website of the university. Candidates have to provide all the required details as on their original academic or non-academic certificates to successfully apply for the entrance test. Candidates can check the eligibility criteria before applying for this examination. Note: The application fee is not refundable. PU CET PG 2018 Eligibility Criteria The eligibility criteria are as follows: Sr No. Course Criteria 1 LLM B. B with 50% marks 2 MCA BCA with 55% marks 3 M. PU CET PG Examination 2018 The entrance examination for admission in the courses listed above is conducted by the Punjab University. This exam will take place in June 2018. Candidates who will fail to bring the admit cards will not be allowed to sit for the exam by the officials. PU CET PG Admit Card 2018 Admit Card will be uploaded on the official website by the University. Admit card is an important document for PU CET PG 2018 entrance exam. Candidates can download the Admit Card from the official website in June 2018. Candidates have to keep Admit Card at the time of examination and throughout the admission process. Candidate should have the id proof with the admit card at the time of examination. Admit card will be an important document at the time of counselling also. PU CET PG Result 2018 The result of PU CET PG 2018 will be released by the authority in June 2018. A merit list will be generated online by the University. Candidates will be able to know the percentile they managed to get in the examination. Candidates will be called for counselling session if they have got marks above than the cutoff. How to Apply for PU CET PG 2018 Candidates are required to visit the official website of the authority i.